Our Story


The Rev. Dr. R. T. Du Brau of Oakland, California with an adventuresome spirit to serve the Lord came
north in the late 1920's and early 1930's searching to find people of the Lutheran faith.

In the mid 1930's a "Lutheran Mission Society" was formed and served by the Rev. Johannes Houfeld of Calvary Lutheran Church of Eureka.

1937 - The Rev. H. L. Maahs, Mr. Ralph Dinger and Mr. Benjamine Schumacher of Trinity, Eureka made a survey of the area, finding fifteen families.

September 23, 1949 - The Rev. W. H. Kohlmeier of Trinity Lutheran Church of Eureka and the Rev. Oscar Reinboth, Secretary of Missions of the California - Nevada District surveyed the area. The Veteran's
Memorial Hall was engaged for the use of services for the month of October. For succeeding services, the Community Church in Fort Dick was secured.

The first baptism was performed in the fourth service held on November 20, 1949. Raymond John Tedsen, the six-month-old son of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Tedsen, was received into the kingdom of grace by washing of water and the Word.

September 14, 1950, a meeting was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Tiedemen for the purpose of selecting a name for the congregation, accepting a constitution and formally organizing a congregation. The name Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church was selected.

In the meantime, the place of worship had been moved to the Seventh Day Adventist Church on J. Street.

December 3, 1950 was a happy day for this young congregation, for on this day the Rev. W. O. Grunow
was installed as the first resident missionary of the Lutheran Church in the Crescent City area. The service of installation was held in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. A home for the pastor and his family was rented at 754 I Street.

In a meeting held on May 25, 1951, a committee was selected to study building sites.  By January 1952, two possible sites for a Church building were brought to the attention of the Congregation, the first was the three-fourths block of land on the comer of Meridian and Cooper; the second, a triangular shaped lot at Ninth and D. Streets. The first was priced at $4,000.00 and seemed to be the most suitable.

At the Voters' Meeting of December 19, 1952, the Congregation resolved to ask the Board of Directors of the California - Nevada District to permit the Congregation to call a permanent pastor. This permission was granted.

A call was extended to Pastor Harry F. Miller of Winamac, Indiana on May 3, 1953. Pastor Miller readily accepted the call and was installed on July 5, 1953.

In the July 31 meeting of the Congregation preliminary plans for a church building were presented by building designer Roy Davis.

The question of funds again arose for the purpose of building. A $20,000.00 loan was secured from the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Extension Fund. This transaction being completed, the land was cleared of the trees that were standing on it and the logs sold. By this time, it was already January 1954.

The comer-stone was laid on August 15, 1954, with the Rev. Don Claasen of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Eureka, California the guest speaker. The last service was held in the Seventh Day Adventist Church on Sunday, September 26, 1954 and the new Grace Lutheran
Church was dedicated to the glory of God, and for the service and salvation of souls on Sunday, October 3,1954.

By 1964 the Congregation has shown evidence of a steady growth. Plans were made to add a permanent unit of worship to the present building, and to use the first unit as an all-purpose building, Sunday School, Social Hall, Meeting Hall, etc.

Ground was broken on September 26, 1965, and the worship addition was dedicated on March 20, 1966.

Over the years, many Pastors have served our congregation, with Marty Tyler being our current shepherd.


